quote Ghandi

quote Ghandi

maandag 1 januari 2018

'the love that binds us'

I received an e-mail with a link to an article about Zach Wahls speach in 2011, a speach I just watched. It reflects perfectly what I think life is about, what anything should be about, but too often is viewed upon in similar ways Zach describes. Love is all that matters and is almost always behind the issue people fear the most when looking at something they don't know.

it warms my heart to hear someone speak about it so clearly and eloquently again. Something I hope will happen more and more often. May it become clear once more that love is what we're all seeking and should never be mistaken for something else, out of fear for the unknown.

Happy New Year, may it be a year of L💗VE & acceptance, everywhere and in everything!

Much love 💗 Monique

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