quote Ghandi

quote Ghandi

maandag 30 januari 2017


welcome to this website, a place I created as a reminder to us that we as human beings are - above anything else - a loving and powerful species. Something I felt an urge to throw out there as a reaction to what's going on in the world.

"where there is love, there is no imposition"
- Albert Einstein -

not just because of recent developments,
because countless small and large heartbreaking things have happened in all of my life that left me, as so many others, speechless from horror and disbelief. And compassion with everyone who received whatever kind of injustice done to them by another person or persons.

recent events did inspire me however to think of something to do more than what I was already doing, as a reaction to the negativity and fear a lot of people are expressing, hurting others. Adding only extra problems and unwanted situations to what we already have, not solving any of them.

it's still not much due to circumstances and very limited possibilities, but anything is something and can make a difference right? Even if just to inspire one person or a few, who can maybe do something that is actually making a difference. My hope is to add something - even if just the positive energy it generates - that I can do to all the good and positive in the world. Of which there is an abundance and growing, but there's always room and a need for more.

when there's enough love, fear & hate simply cannot exist

I believe like many others that love is powerful, very powerful. Although for the longest time I thought something abstract like love could never make that much of a difference. But it can and does, all the time. And isn't it love that ignites all kinds of amazing things? It's the love for the environment that make people improve it, it was the love for other human beings that made an end to (some forms of) slavery, it is the love for animals that changes laws about cruelty against them etc.

it's the love for life, people and believes that sometimes even make us tap into superpowers and make miracles happen

let's spread and expand the love in and for everyone in this beautiful world in all ways possible and that way make a change

Much love, Monique

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